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Olympic Flame Switzerland
Gdfgdf gdfgdfgSponsor
gdfgdf gdfgdfg Icon
gdgdf fdsgdfg gdfhbshfjds jifjklsf kfjklisf mklm;l lmlm mklm nkl lmkl lmklm.
oooooooooo | View Profiledscdsc , London Switzerland
PG ServicesSponsor
PG Services Icon
Based in Geneva, Switzerland, and serving clients throughout the world seeking rare colored diamonds, PG Services specializes in dealing valuable stones priced for a wide range of budgets. With over two decades of experience in the rare-diamond industry, PG Services offers certified diamonds as single stones or set in gold and silver pieces, such as rings and pendants. Working with PG Services’ in-house jewelry specialist, clients can choose custom-crafted settings for their rare diamonds. Popular custom settings utilize white gold and smaller, high-quality diamonds to complement the larger, featured stone.PG Services’ chief technical consultant, Stephen Hofer, has over 30 years’ experience certifying and grading colored diamonds. To ensure the quality of his clients’ purchases, Mr. Hofer carefully selects the diamonds utilizing advanced technological methods to see vibrant hues of color and a desirable luster.Rare diamonds come in a range of hues and colors, including reds, greens, and blues. Jewelry and stones are delivered to clients fully insured and bonded for authenticity.
41 22 810 33 38 | View ProfileGeneva, Switzerland
Constell GroupSponsor
Constell Group Icon
Constell Group with years of excellence and professionalism offers a range of services like consultancy, training, manufacturing and operations to clients who are looking to foray into diamond businesses. The consultancy company is known for offering proven and turnkey business solutions to clients that help them succeed in their business endeavor.
+41 22 552 00 12 | View ProfileGenève, Switzerland
Yings PerlenSponsor
Ying's Perlen Haus Icon
Zart schimmernder Perlenschmuck: Echte Süsswasserperlen und Tahiti Perlen zu günstigen Preisen. Grosse Auswahl an unverwechselbaren Perlen.
View ProfileSan Francisco, S arnen Switzerland
Diamond OnlineSponsor
Diamond Online Icon
Diamonds Online is the most comprehensive diamond price and market information platform for diamond dealers worldwide. Our diamond pricing calculator helps diamond distributors, jewelers, suppliers and wholesalers to be better informed about the current values of GIA certified loose diamonds so that they can buy directly from the source at the best prices.
786927878 | View ProfileZurech, Zurech Switzerland
Parker WatchesSponsor
Parker Watches Icon
Philip Parker Watches manufactures Premium high-quality Watches of clean Scandinavian design, driven by extremely accurate Swiss precision mechanism.
+46-72-040 74-82 | View ProfileGeneve, Switzerland
Au Bijou Uhren & SchmuckSponsor
Au Bijou Uhren & Schmuck Icon
Hochwertige - zuverlässig und leise. Schnelle Lieferung , Grosse Vielfalt an Wanduhren für verschiedene Stile, Trusted-Shop. Service vom Schweizer Uhrmacher
061 263 92 08 | View ProfileBasel, Switzerland
Grand Cru ExecutiveSponsor
Grand Cru Executive Icon
Grand Cru Executive is an exceptional online shop for exceptional people. Our offer includes luxury goods and premium products from around the world.
+31 684 177 909 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
MUAU SchmuckSponsor
MUAU Schmuck Icon
Jewelry Online Shop from Switzerland with over 13'000 Products
+41 41 530 39 99 | View ProfileSteinhausen, Switzerland
Dörnberger GoldschmiedSponsor
Dörnberger Goldschmied  Icon
The moment you decide what type of ring you're about to buy, you start searching for the best ring that falls under your criteria of the best wedding ring. You must start your search for the ring at least two or three months before the wedding date. A lot of time is consumed in browsing, comparing the prices, and trying different shops.
+41 (0)44 371 11 93 | View ProfileZürich, Affoltern Switzerland
Cervin BlancSponsor
Cervin Blanc Icon
Luxury fine jewellery in Switzerland.
0000000000 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Schweizer Spezialist für Goldankauf, den An- und Verkauf von Silber, Gold, Diamanten, gebrauchten Luxusuhren und Sammlerstücken. Wir kaufen Schmuck, Luxusuhren, Edelsteine und sämtliche Objekte aus Gold, Silber, Platin und Zinn. Wir garantieren sofortige Barzahlung und Top-Preise. :
+41 (0) 22 362 01 01 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Swiss Made WatchSponsor
Swiss Made Watch Icon
Swiss Made Watch is a comprehensive blog catering to enthusiasts and novices alike in the realm of Swiss watches. With an extensive range of articles covering the latest news on luxury and smart watches, it provides an up-to-date perspective on the ever-evolving watch industry. Get a closer look at the intricate details of specific Swiss watch models, and gain a deeper understanding of their craftsmanship. Explore the stories behind leading Swiss watch brands, uncovering their rich history and the innovations that have shaped them. Swiss Made Watch offers a unique blend of information, making it an essential resource in the captivating world of Swiss timepieces.
+41 44 405 70 20 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Business CLosedSponsor
Business CLosed Icon
safsdfs rfwserwev
56721-0342 | View ProfileQueensland, Queensland Switzerland
Leura JewelsSponsor
Leura Jewels Icon
Leura Jewels brings you the finest coloured gemstones from around the world. While we specialise in blue sapphires, our collection of gemstones range from well-known gems such as fancy sapphires, rubies, emeralds and tourmalines to the rarest ones such as padparadschas and alexandrites.
+1 (503) 912-9077 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Elizza Fine JewellerySponsor
Elizza Fine Jewellery Icon
ELIZZA is a renowned brand of exclusive diamond jewelry, specializing in the manufacture of unique engagement rings. Our rings are not only a symbol of love, but also a masterpiece of jewelry art.
+41 442114747 | View ProfileZurich, Löwenstrasse Switzerland
VIN GOLSponsor
Best online jewelry store, focus on women's diamond engagement rings, wedding diamond rings, diamond earrings, diamond necklaces, diamond bracelets, Anniversary diamond rings.* We are big enough to get you the best deal and small enough to care about every and each customer.* We focused on diamond engagement rings and wedding bands.* We only carry natural genuine high-quality diamonds.* Very competitive pricing.* All our diamonds are conflict freewe carry GIA certified diamonds* Each item is made to order by hand in-house* We are direct manufacturers, no middle man involved, so you save the most.*b6-12 month, no interest financing is available at the checkout page.* All purchases are 100% risk-free* 30-day easy exchange/return policy* We make each item in-house. all the rings are available in any ring size, diamond weight, and shape.* All purchases come with an appraisal to proof authentication, and the appraisal can be used to insure the jewelry with any insurance company.
424-388-9178 | View ProfileZurich, Switzerland
Salty & Free JewelrySponsor
Salty & Free Jewelry Icon
Our mission is to offer inspiring jewelry that accompanies you on your life's journey, captures milestones, cherishes uplifting moments, and celebrates victories with you. We create pieces to motivate, inspire, and uplift, designed for those who view personal growth as an ongoing journey, rather than a destination.
View Profilezurich, Switzerland