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Olympic Flame Norway
Sjekk HelsenSponsor
Sjekk Helsen Icon
We offer health check-ups with ultrasoundWelcome to Check HealthWe focus on preventive health and lifestyle. Specialists in radiology perform health checks with ultrasound, which gives us a detailed overview of your health. Check Health is a private clinic that offers health check-ups with ultrasound, diagnostic ultrasound examinations, heart examinations and nutritional guidance. Experienced doctors with modern equipment, in new premises at Skøyen in Oslo. We want our patients to feel cared for and listened to. We take good time for all patients and take all questions seriously, regardless of whether they are simple or complicated. Get in touch and we will do everything we can to help you with what you are wondering about!ServicesHealth check with ultrasoundspecialists in radiologymake an appointmentread morediagnosticultrasoundsultrasound examination oslomake an appointmentread moreheart Studycardiogram and technical penmake an appointmentNutrition and lifestyle
+4722120088 | View ProfileOslo, Akershus Norway
Oslo PlastikkirurgiSponsor
Oslo Plastikkirurgi Icon
Oslo Plastikkirurgi is a well-established clinic at Frogner in Oslo, since its inception in 2002. In newly renovated, inviting premises, our qualified team is ready to receive you.Oslo Plastikkirugi combines specialist surgical expertise with guidance, care and follow-up of you as a patient. We offer individual treatment and high quality in plastic and cosmetic surgery.Our goal is to offer our patients high quality and individual treatment in plastic and cosmetic (aesthetic) surgery. Furthermore, we follow the subject's international development and guidelines, at the same time as we take into account your needs and wishes - to the extent that it is justifiable with medical ethics.Get in touch today for a nice chat.
22 55 42 90 | View ProfileOslo, Oslo Norway
Sjekk HelsenSponsor
Sjekk Helsen Icon
We offer nutrition and lifestyle consultation with our Clinical Nutritionist to help you lower your cholesterol levels.During the consultation, you will receive both a specially adapted diet plan and an exercise program with a focus on high cholesterol.Together with our nutritionist, you will receive the knowledge you need as well as thorough follow-up so that you will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
22 12 00 88 | View ProfileSkøyen, Oslo Norway
MediCura ASSponsor
MediCura AS Icon
Medicura er Norges største klinikk for hårtransplantasjon og hårtap. Våre leger har behandlet flere tusen for sitt hårtap med PRP-behandling, hårtransplantasjon og medisiner. Medicuras ortopediske avdeling har spesialisert behandling mot artrose og senelidelser. Vi bruker stamceller, PRP og kirurgi. Medicura er en privat helsevirksomhet med personell som har lang legefaglig erfaring, riktig kvalifikasjoner og bred variert praksis. Alle legene er medlemmer av Den Norske Legeforening og holder norsk faglig standard. Vi gir deg personlig oppfølging, trygghet og møter deg med både faglig stolthet og ekspertise.
+4740401606 | View ProfileOslo, Oslo Norway