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Olympic Flame Lithuania
Verified ForskolinSponsor
Verified Forskolin Icon
Forskolin is an herbal extract from Coleus forskohlii, a plant belonging to the mint family. From fat burning to natural enhancement, forskolin is one of the best supplements for treating obesity.
386-329-8511 | View ProfileVilnius, Apkasu 17 Lithuania
Pipeline PharmaSponsor
Pipeline Pharma Icon
Pipelinepharma is a B2B pharmaceutical licensing market that allows connecting pharmaceutical companies for M&A agreements, licenses, technology transfer, or distribution. If you are a pharmaceutical manufacturer or the file owner seeking a license with a commercial supply, single supply, or technology transfer agreement, you may include your products on the market. It is free to register and list your products and offers. You can list your product offers for any market worldwide. If you are from a pharmaceutical company seeking a license with a commercial supply agreement, only supply or technology transfer, you can select the products and / or offers of interest from our market. It is free to register, search for products, and accept or negotiate online business terms sheets. For buyers, all services are free of charge. Pipelinepharma receives a success fee from the manufacturer in case the commercial contract between the buyer and the seller is signed.
+370-5-207-5842 | View ProfileVilnius, Vilnius Lithuania
Dezinfekavimas.ltSponsor Icon dezinfekcinis skystis yra - alkoholio gelis su lengvu, maloniu neliekamu ingredientu greitam, veiksmingam ir saugiam valymui be vandens ar rankšluosciu naudojimo. Jis palieka rankas jausmas atnaujinamas be lipniu likuciu, o ne sausas rankas tiek, kiek muilas.
+37068609025 | View Profilevilnius, Lithuania
Beinitas Icon
UAB BEINITAS grožio partneris Lietuvoje daugiau nei 7 metus. Mes Jums galime pasiulyti aukšciausios kokybes profesionalius kosmetikos gaminius, kirpykloms, salonams ir spa centrams. Siulome platu asortimenta plauku priežiuros produktu, plauku dažymo produktu, manikiuro ir pedikiuro specialistams platu pasirinkima geliniu laku, geliu, kremu skirtu pedu ir ranku priežiurai, depiliacijos ir vienkartiniu priemoniu asortimenta bei kitu produktu skirtu darbui grožio srityje. Nuolatos pleciame asortimenta ir stengiames atrinkti pacius geriausius ir aukšciausios kokybes produktus.
+37067066344 | View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania
UAB Kilo GrupeSponsor
UAB Kilo Grupe Icon
UAB Kilo Grupe is one of the leading digital health and wellness companies globally, not only attracting talents to join its fast-growing team but also co-founding and accelerating start-ups in a rapidly growing digital health industry. As of March 2022, Kilo Health was the second of the 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe. With 4+ million paying users worldwide (the majority in the United States), robust technology, and a digital marketing platform, Kilo Grupe provides unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurial talents and visionaries to build digital health products of the future.Kilo Grupe was founded to design the most engaging and effective digital lifestyle interventions that lead to a healthier life by preventing, managing, or treating various health conditions.Continuously seeking new opportunities, co-founding, and accelerating prospective next-gen products, Kilo Grupe has grown from 7 to 600+ bright talents in three years and aims to become the most loved digital health and wellness product suite globally.
View ProfileVilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis Lithuania
Emilija NorkuteSponsor
Emilija Norkute Icon
Emilija Norkute is a medical doctor specializing in healthy nutrition services, focusing on integrating medical knowledge with dietary practices to promote overall health and wellness.
8 (699) 24848 | View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania
Meldonium StoreSponsor
Meldonium Store Icon
Buy Mildronate Meldonium online from trusted source. Shipping world wide. Original product.
+371 20417011 | View ProfileVilnius, Vilnius Lithuania
Podiatry clinic in Vilnius ''Podoklinika''Sponsor
Podiatry clinic in Vilnius ''Podoklinika'' Icon is a podiatry clinic in Vilnius, Lithuania, specializing in professional foot care. They offer treatments for various foot and nail issues, including fungus, corns, ingrown toenails, and diabetic foot care. Their services range from medical pedicures and orthotics to advanced procedures like nail prosthetics. prioritizes modern equipment and non-surgical solutions for optimal foot health.
View ProfileVilnius, Lithuania Lithuania