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Canada Canada
Bergeron Estate WinerySponsor
Bergeron Estate Winery Icon
When Wine Tasting is on your mind but the question is where; with an exquisite collection of premium and fine wine; the answer has to be Bergeron Estate Winery!
613-373-0181 | View ProfileAdolphustown, ON Canada
Kwike Market- Adults AgencySponsor
Kwike Market- Adults Agency Icon
Kwike Market is high class adults agency which provides one of the best girls for gentlemen.
250-870-8176 | View ProfileCalgary, Canada
CatHealth Icon
Hi,I am Pet Lover and Pet Care Consultant.I love helping people to find a best products for their pets at the best price .I only recommend those that are safe and properly certified.
8965263574 | View Profilecanada, Canada
Bistro de l'AubergeSponsor
Bistro de l'Auberge Icon
Le Bistro de l'Auberge, situé dans la charmante petite ville de Cowansville, est un endroit chaleureux et invitant.Nouvellement ouvert, le Bistro de l'Auberge est le premier «vrai» bistro qui répond aux besoins de la clientèle diversifiée de Cowansville et les environs. L'atmosphère amicale qui émane du restaurant, n'est pas sans rappeler le caractère de sa propriétaire, Mélodi Trudel, qui fait de son établissement un endroit rassembleur pour les gens de Cowansville et les environs. On s'y sent comme chez soi.Que ce soit pour se retrouver en couple ou entre amis, le Bistro de l'Auberge saura répondre à vos besoins. On saura plaire aux fans de hockey avec nos 4 écrans tout comme nous saurons satisfaire les fans de chansonniers. Vous pourrez aussi tout simplement y déguster un plat sur une note de jazz ou de blues. Contactez nous au (450) 815-0855 pour plus d’informations.Bienvenu à tous et à toutes!!(18 ans et + seulement)
450-815-0855 | View ProfileCowansville, Quebec Canada
Coral de CubaSponsor
Coral de Cuba Icon
At our bar & grill in Edmonton, AB, we want to offer the service that not only the customers but competitors praise us! Contact for takeout, catering, to Coral de Cuba.
780-468-2888 | View ProfileEdmonton, AB Canada
Winexpert LondonSponsor
Winexpert London Icon
Winexpert London specializes in custom wine making and wine making kits in London, Ontario. Contact us and we'll guide you through making your very own wine. Bring a friend and you can both make and bottle the wine of your choosing. If you want to make wine at home, we offer a great solution for that as well. We have a selection of inexpensive wine making kits that will include everything you need to make inexpensive winery-quality wine right at home. Call Winexpert to get started!
519-679-9463 | View ProfileLondon, Ontario, N6A 1S4, Ontario Canada
SommEvents Icon
With 30 years of sales experience, both with her own businesses and working for others, Marte has learned the importance of client retention and how to create loyal clients who are her greatest fans. In the last 20 years of her career, her sales skyrocketed as she became a top sales person for an American distributor with the help of her loyal clients. She acquired new clients strictly from word-of-mouth and by providing positive client experiences. Marte moved beyond the business transaction and developed strong enduring relationships with her clients.
4164643575 | View ProfileMississauga, ON Canada
La ChampagnerieSponsor
La Champagnerie Icon
Premier et unique Bar à Bulles de Montréal, La Champagnerie possède aujourd'hui une des plus longue liste d’importations privées, pour tous les goûts et tous les budgets. Qu’on ait donc envie d’un champagne prestigieux ou d’un mousseux plus accessible (toujours créé, cependant, dans le respect de la méthode traditionnelle), on est le bienvenu! Pour leur plus grand plaisir, les bouteilles de champagne peuvent être sabrées sur place par les clients! Les employés de La Champagnerie, choisis pour leur professionnalisme et leur passion, ont parfait cette technique du sabrage ancestrale pour vous la faire connaître. Outre le désir de démocratiser les bulles auprès des visiteurs et des locaux, La Champagnerie c'est aussi une offre de restauration raffinée et accessible, adaptable à vos évènements et à toutes vos sorties. Le menu change régulièrement au gré des inspirations du Chef et des arrivages locaux, venez goûter! Une ambiance décontractée et élégante ou des fins de semaine éléctriques et dansantes, La Champagnerie vous fera passer parmi nous un moment mémorable et unique.5 à 7 festifs, Anniversaires, Bachelorette, Baby Shower, Rendez-vous corporatifs, Événement réseautage, Certificats cadeaux, Formules dégustations…un service sur mesure, parce que vous êtes uniques!
514 903 9343 | View ProfileMontreal, Quebec Canada
Montreal NightlifeSponsor
Montreal Nightlife Icon
We here at Montreal Nightlife are reasonably sure of a few things in life: Everybody likes a good time, nobody wants to get ripped off and nobody needs any extra stress added to their lives of having to plan such an important trip, out of town, without being able to rely on local experts.It’s these three certainties that prompted us in 2001 to open our service with the sincere desire to share the vast wealth of food, fun, culture, accommodations and just plain Good Time that is our beloved city of Montreal! As Natives we’ve always known what a treasure trove of World Class choices we’ve got here and we wanted to invite as many people as we could to enjoy our party.
514-257-3777 | View ProfileMontreal, Quebec, Canada
P'tite Grenouille MontréalSponsor
P'tite Grenouille Montréal Icon
Boîte à chanson La p'tite Grenouille : L'endroit pour venir vibrer au son de la musique de nos chansonniers / bands. Les meilleurs prix en ville, tous les soirs !
514-900-1043 | View ProfileMontréal, QC Canada
Délires du TerroirSponsor
Délires du Terroir Icon
Offrant une grande gamme de produits du Québec seulement, nous nous engageons à sélectionner les meilleurs bières de micro-brasseries d'un fraicheur maximal. En plus de nos 200 bières de micro-brasseries, nous offrons des fromages, des cidres et bien plus.
View ProfileMontréal, Québec Canada
Magister Espresso Canada Inc.Sponsor
Magister Espresso Canada Inc. Icon
Coffee is our passion, and education is our vocation! We search, import and distribute the machines that will be the perfect instruments through which a barista and a roaster can interpret his personal passion for coffee and exalt his art.What we sell :Handmade Espresso Machines from Italy;Fully Automated Smart Espresso Machines from Switzerland;State of the art Espresso grinders from Italy;Dollar for dollar the best Roaster in the world from Turkey;Best Max water filters from Austria...Phone: 1-855-632-4636
855-632-4636 | View ProfileMontreal, Quebec, H2N 2A5, Quebec Canada
The Royal on BakerSponsor
The Royal on Baker Icon
If nightlife entertainment is your thing, at The Royal on Baker in Nelson, BC, we have plenty of things to make our nightclub a great place including live music, happy hour!
250-354-7014 | View ProfileNelson, BC Canada
A FOB is also known as “Foam on Beer”. It is designed to continuously keep your lines filled and flowing with beer. The FOB automatically shuts off the flow of beer when it detects an empty keg.
1-604-517-1223 | View ProfileNew Westminster, British Columbia Canada
Double Beer FobSponsor
Double Beer Fob Icon
At Double Beer Fob™ we are dedicated to manufacturing the most comprehensive FOB at the most competitive price. With our newest product the “Double Beer Fob™”, we have developed and produced a fob that automatically switches between multiple kegs or a multiple series of kegs on a single line. Thus, saving you time from replenishing a keg during peak operational hours. We believe your FOB should do more and now it can! Never stop pouring again and take your dispense technology to the next level!.
+1-604-517-1223 | View ProfileNew Westminster, BC Canada
Morgan's Public HouseSponsor
Morgan's Public House Icon
Morgan's Public House is a modern social pub that brings about a rustic pub dining experience with a modern sports flare. It is located in South Surrey, BC.
604-542-8580 | View ProfileSurrey, BC Canada
Grizzly's Icon
Knowing it is our results that prove our competence not our words, at our Italian restaurant established in 2006, in Terrebonne, QC, Grizzly's, we serve the finest quality cuisines, wine, cocktails!
450-964-4046 | View ProfileTerrebonne, QC Canada
Papro Wine CellarsSponsor
Papro Wine Cellars Icon
Papro Wine Cellars provides high quality wine cellar installations and systems for your home. Contact us today to see how we can help you get the wine cellar you've always wanted.
866.651.9229 | View ProfileToronto, Ontario Canada
Bong OutletSponsor
Bong Outlet Icon
Nothing gets you going like a bong. Having a good bong is necessary if you like smoking up but going to the headshop isn’t always a good idea no matter where you are in US or Canada. The first thing you’ll feel when at our online store is overwhelmed simply because of how many things we have. Bongoutlet can easily warehouse equipment which puts them in the perfect place to offer you lots of variety bongs for sale.
6474934697 | View ProfileToronto, ON Canada
Raiders E-Sports CentreSponsor
Raiders E-Sports Centre Icon
Wanting to acknowledge the applause of our customers, we offer them the best rates and finest drink specials, cuisines at our bar & grill, Raiders E-Sports Centre in Toronto, ON!
416-928-9525 | View ProfileToronto, ON Canada
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